Racquetball Grommet Tape How Do I Apply Grommet Tape To A Racquetball Racquet?

How do I Apply Grommet Tape to a Racquetball Racquet? - racquetball grommet tape

I have a tennis racket and wants to protect is beyond me for eyelet tape and the puck to the chain.

Should I run more than 1 long strip of masking tape to cover the entire key? Or rather, I use several parts of the strip through the eye of the?

In the case of the tape attached to the structure (not after) anyway? Or should I cut part of the band, so that the ribbon / button on top of the buttonhole?

Should I wear several layers of duct tape? Or just a single layer?

Any help is welcome!


fedderfa... said...

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fedderfa... said...

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