Power of Attorney / Authorization to Appear in court on my behalf? - idaho power of attorney
I am in Idaho, and I wonder whether there is a way, my wife, to appear on behalf of me at the next meeting for small claims. I am not physically able to appear and my husband is not on the claim. A can help in any way?
Idaho Power Of Attorney Power Of Attorney / Authorization To Appear In Court On My Behalf?
5:56 PM
Should you be an advocate for you, it is unlikely that someone else is able to appear on his behalf. No evidence that her husband heard about what you want to know / not / rumors, and probably not admissible in court.
It is unlikely that the power would be beneficial, because it usually means a person who makes the decision of the authority of the date on which makes you forward, and was not authorized another person to give evidence about what you do not know / / listen.
At this time, probably three ways (1) an extension until he can be himself, (2) to amend its complaint (if you are adding the applicant) to her husband, the application unless it has first hand knowledge about the facts of the case, or (3) Hire a lawyer.
Only a lawyer appear for use in Idaho in May practice on their behalf. Her husband can not, and if so () with a lawyer, he is unauthorized practice of law, a crime. You may ask the court to continue the hearing date until he can appear, or you can be represented, a lawyer. It may be easier to hire a lawyer and be done with it.
Only a lawyer is entitled to appear before court on behalf of a party. The courts are very useful and accessible to the courts themselves are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. If this is impossible, although the accessibility occur, the court may come to you, but it is a matter of extreme and you have to send all types of medical records to the arrest warrant, the court shall apply to come to you. I recommend that you contact the office of the circuit for further information.
Is no, her husband can not even use a POA to be represented in court, failure to appear, if that is the leading defendant by the plaintiff winner if the applicant submits that his complaint be dismissed
You need to appeal to the court for approval.
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