Does Marijuana Cause Permanant Brain Damage? - does marijuana cause brain damage
Hello. I am 13 years old and was smoking marijuana for a full year. I have no memory effect so far, but I need to know: If I continue to smoke marijuana for several years, then quit, what will happen. It hurts my brain after smoking cessation. For example: If I smoke pot for a year, that is, I smoked for 2, and then quit to replace my brain cells, or permanent brain damage? I want honest answers, and I am also very intelligent with an excellent average in school. I would like to continue, and I will not be burned, "as some people I know. So, as I already said how to replace nerve cells and the effects of longer duration. Thank you!
Does Marijuana Cause Brain Damage Does Marijuana Cause Permanant Brain Damage?
11:26 AM
Hey Tom, is not able to kill weeds, causing brain cells or damage, such as drinking water, no. But smoking of cannabis is not to make changes in your mind that you are interested in things like school and more interested in high, because they make you feel good. This is a very real threat to their education, and more likely your future, not easy to take, Tom.
They must also give Tom Bush and participation in sports or activities to occupy your mind, great man.
Once he was involved in marijuana and my grades went the skirt, so I stopped.
I went to an engineer would not have happened if I continue to smoke.
Unfortunately, all the cells of the brain are never lost again
Fortunately, however, no scientific evidence that marijuana causes psychological damage, whether adolescents or adults, is based on people with chronic and thousands of smoke.
This information is "lucky" because they do not say what is what as a chronic smoker and very ... I want to.
The use of tobacco smoking continues to chronic (Includes enough to make the average person, the stoned mind every day) for a period not exceeding three months.
Who did this?
In addition, the brain damage which only limited to the short-term memory.
Sucking after the loss of short-term memory, but we need to touch the hand and compare with the mental side affects of alcoholism.
Chronic excessive alcohol consumption affects brain development, shrinking of the brain, causing dementia, physical dependence, increased cognitive impairment and neuro-psychiatric and leaves, a distortion of the brain chemistry
Do the math
Happy Tokin!
you can never push the brain cells, it is to lose, do not stay in school if you continue to smoke the buds. It is not worth the time or money.
GET That Sh * t!
In fact, cardiovascular diseases cause problems long term.
Of course, it is permanently !!!!!!
Of course, it is permanently !!!!!!
have no idea, but should probably have the same issues as you are. in the same boat ...
Ok, first, that does not kill brain cells. What happens is that THC, like the cells in their brain cells, making it difficult for them to communicate with each other. I think, be repaired the damage, but it was done a significant amount of research to determine with certainty.
But honestly, when a young age start smoking marijuana. It changes to the chemistry of the brain that can develop your brain is not so good. You must wait until you are in their twenties, if you smoke really feel the urge to, and do not want to venture a step slow mentally.
Trust no one who says that brain cells die, I have no idea what they were talking about does not quote a source for your information.
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